IIT-Madras findings may enable treatment for tongue cancer – Times of India

Chennai News


CHENNAI: IIT-Madras research scholars have joined hands with Cancer Institute and others to identify a specific ‘microRNA’ which can potentially be devised to treat tongue cancer.
A press statement said miRNAs can affect cancer growth through inhibiting or enhancing the functions of certain proteins.
Devarajan Karunagaran, head, department of biotechnology, IIT-Madras, said, “MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs containing 20-24 nucleotides that participate in virtually all biological pathways in animals.
They have been found to play important roles in many cancers, in carcinogenesis (start of cancer), malignant transformation and metastasis – the development of secondary cancer. The miRNAs associated with cancer are called oncomirs.” Many of the oncomirs affect cancer by suppressing the performance of tumour suppressing agents.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/iit-madras-findings-may-enable-treatment-for-tongue-cancer/articleshow/76281973.cms