Lockdown to delay selection of new vice-chancellor to Madras University – Times of India

Chennai News

CHENNAI: The selection of new vice-chancellor of Madras University is set to be delayed as V-C search panel formed nearly two months ago is yet to meet due to Covid-19 lockdown.
Jawaharlal Nehru University vicechancellor M Jagadesh Kumar has been nominated as the convenor of the V-C search panel while P Maruthamuthu, former vice-chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University and P Ramasamy, former vicechancellor of Alagappa University have been nominated as members of the panel.
Present vice-chancellor P Duraisamy’s tenure is ending on May 26.
“The search panel could not meet so far due to the lock down. The committee needs to call for applications and shortlist three names and forward it to the Governor-Chancellor. The entire process will take at least two months,” sources in the university said. Meanwhile, professors said the university might need the academic head post lockdown to take key decisions like conducting exams and formulating new academic schedule. “The V-C search committee should meet through video conference and commence V-C selection process,” professors said.

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Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/lockdown-to-delay-selection-of-new-vice-chancellor-to-madras-university/articleshow/75401426.cms