30 scientists find a home in deep sea on four Chennai-based ships – Times of India

Chennai News

CHENNAI: Nearly 100 crew members, including 30 scientists, who have been on scientific missions on board ocean research vessels have decided to stay put till the 21-day lockdown in the country ends. They are on board four ships belonging to the Chennai-based National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) which set sail more than three weeks ago to map the seabed, study samples and deploy tsunami warning systems on the east and west coasts.
NIOT director M A Atmanand said scientists on Sagar Nidhi, Sagar Manjusha, Sagar Anveshika and Sagar Tara have been collecting different kinds of data. “Staying there is safer than coming to land. We have instructed all our four ships to return around April 14,” he said. One of the ships has two scientists from the US, who would continue with their research as they cannot fly back to their country due to the suspension of flights.
Sagar Nidhi was expected arrive in the Goa coast on Tuesday, and the other three ships were to return on Thursday. Sagar Nidhi, carrying 25 scientists, had deployed the tsunami system in the Arabian Sea. D Rajasekhar, head, vessel management cell, NIOT, said. “The other ships are stocked with supplies till mid-April. Even if they are to come to land, the crew members will have to go into quarantine for 15 days. So, it’s better to be there,” he said.
Onboard tools mapping seabed
S agar Manjusha and the recently commissioned Sagar Anveshika are carrying out scientific measurements and collecting data in the Bay of Bengal as part of various projects.
The onboard instruments have been mapping the seabed besides gathering and testing water samples.
Sagar Tara, another new ship, is carrying out bathymetric surveys (mapping underwater features) for setting up desalination plants in the Lakshadweep Islands.
“Recently, we supplied three of our ships with rations and water in the outer anchorage of ports in Chennai and Beypore in Kerala,” Rajasekhar said.

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Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/30-scientists-find-a-home-in-deep-sea-on-four-chennai-based-ships/articleshow/74922290.cms