Specialiased hospital for geriatric care launched in Chennai – The Hindu

Chennai News

It will also offer preventive geriatric check up at home reducing the waiting time at the hospital for consultation.

An exclusive, specialised hospital for geriatric care has been launched in the city. The hospital will offer comprehensive assessment of multiple co-morbidity with an aim to reduce hospital stay and improve quality of life of the elders.

Gericare Hospital was commissioned by senior geriatrician V.S. Natarajan, cardiologist S. Thanikachalam and Kauvery Hospital executive director Aravindan Selvaraj.

Geriatricians Srinivas and Lakshmipathy Ramesh, founder director of Gericare, said Gericare was India’s first exclusive geriatric hospital managed by experienced geriatricians adept in managing complex disease and drugs interactions due to enhanced team approach. Te philosophy is to start low and go slow in drug dosing.

Elder-friendly environment including hand rails, wash room, anti-skid floor besides trained nurses are some of its features.

The hospital has 24/7 emergency care, emergency and non-emergency ambulance service, besides providing continuity of care from hospital to home, home care nursing, assisted living and skilled nursing care.

It will also offer preventive geriatric check up at home reducing the waiting time at the hospital for consultation.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/specialiased-hospital-for-geriatric-care-launched-in-chennai/article33133381.ece